Find the most affordable contractor mortgage for you with Deal Direct.

The last thing you want to happen when working for yourself is to fall into arrears with your contractor mortgage repayments. This can happen to many mortgage hunters who don’t seek expert advice and accept the first option with a low rate.

Ultra-low rates can very often turn out to be more expensive than they appear. This can happen when you find yourself faced with costs and fees you weren’t aware of. This isn’t to say that mortgage providers are acting in an underhand way. Far from it, but when you are researching contractor mortgages for yourselves, the additional costs may not be that obvious to you and can be easily overlooked.


It may be that these costs can be built into the monthly repayment but if this hasn’t been fully evaluated beforehand, you could end up paying:

  • more than you thought
  • more than you have to

The surprise of having to pay more when what you thought you were getting was a really low rate can put a strain on finances, which then becomes too much to maintain. This is why it is vital that you find the right home financing solution in the first place.

You are in safe hands when you enquire about mortgages for contractors with Deal Direct. We understand your need to find a mortgage with repayments you can continue to make without straining your finances, regardless of what happens to the key base rate.

Speak to a Deal Direct contractor mortgage specialist on 0800 048 8828.

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Article published: Wednesday, September 19, 2018
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